Friday, 2 August 2013

Magazine - Shot By Both Sides [Top Of The Pops - 1978]

Classic punk tune by Manchester post-punk band Magazine - their huge debut 1978 single, 'Shot By Both Sides'. LISTEN LOUD!!!

Howard Devoto - vocals. John McGeoch (RIP) - guitar. Barry Adamson - bass. Martin Jackson - drums.

Note: this is the single version.

This and that, they must be the same
what is legal is just what's real
what I'm given to understand
is exactly what I steal
I wormed my way into the heart of the crowd
I wormed my way into the heart of the crowd
I was shocked to find what was allowed
I didn't lose myself in the crowd

Shot by both sides
on the run to the outside of everything
shot by both sides
they must have come to a secret understanding

New offences always in my nerves
they're taking my time by force
They all sound the same when they scream
they have to rewrite all the books again
as a matter of course

I wormed my way ...
Shot by both sides ...

'Why are you so edgy, Kid ?'
asks the man with the voice
one thing follows another
you live and learn, you have no choice

I wormed my way ...
Shot by both sides
I don't ask who's doing the shooting
shot by both sides
we must have come to a secret understanding

we must have come to a secret understanding

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