Thursday 25 July 2013

The Jesus Prayer

St. Theophan the Recluse   

You have read about the Jesus Prayer, have you not? And you know what it is from practical experience. Only with the help of this prayer can the necessary order of the soul be firmly maintained; only through this prayer can we preserve our inner order undisturbed even when distracted by household cares. This prayer alone makes it possible to fulfill the injunction of the Fathers: the hands at work, the mind and heart with God. When this prayer becomes grafted in our heart, then there are no inner interruptions and it continues always in the same, evenly flowing way.

The path to achievement of a systematic interior order is very hard, but it is possible to preserve this (or a similar) state of mind during the various and inevitable duties you have to perform; and what makes it possible is the Jesus Prayer when it is grafted in the heart. How can it be so grafted? Who knows? But it does happen. He who strives is increasingly conscious of this engrafting, without knowing how it has been achieved. To strive for this inner order, we must walk always in the presence of God, repeating the Jesus Prayer as frequently as possible. As soon as there is a free moment, begin again at once, and the engrafting will be achieved…

Wednesday 17 July 2013

How To Set Up An Icon Corner at Home

Serge Alexeev 

Quantity and quality are two different things. It would be naive to assume that the more sacred images there are in an Orthodox Christian’s home, the more pious his life. A disorganized collection of icons, reproductions, and religious wall calendars covering a significant amount of living space can often have a contrary effect on one’s spiritual life.

A poorly thought-out collection of icons can turn into something simple and meaningless, in which the prayerful purpose of the icon has no place whatsoever.

Sunday 14 July 2013

Primal Scream's Bobby Gillespie: 'There is no underground anymore'

Frontman hits out at lack of dissent being shown to "c**t" politicians by the arts world

Primal Scream frontman Bobby Gillespie has hit out at the lack of protest from the arts toward the current Tory government, saying there is a class war going on in Britain.

The singer, giving an outspoken interview in this week's NME (available digitally and on newsstands from today), hits out at a "lack of dissent" from the arts world and labels Conservative politicians including David Cameron and Boris Johnson, "the cunts at the top who run the show".
"There's no underground any more", Gillespie said. "There's a lack of dissent in culture, all across the arts and in society as a whole. We're living in extremely right-wing , irrational, intolerant times and we're being governed by an extremist right-wing government. There's no protest from the arts. People don't really see a way that things can change."
Focusing his attention on the government, the Scottish singer continues: "All those guys - bankers, politicians, prime ministers, Boris - they're Thatcher's boys. She gave birth to that ideology of free market capitalism and they're taking full advantage of it. So yeah, I think it is a class war. It's not fashionable to use that term any more but that's what it is. There are distinct classes in the country and the gulf is getting wider. There's just so much greed."
He adds: "The exploited class is always going to be the working class. To me, it's about the rest of society, whether they're middle class, working class or underclass, against the cunts at the top who run the show."

Рокенрол култура после 5. октобра 2000

Дјеца апокалипсе CXLI
Ове недеље слушамо први дио трибине "Рокенрол у Србији" која је одржана 13. маја 2013. године на тему "Рокенрол култура после 5. октобра 2000". Организатори трибине су Библиотека града Београда и Институт за новију историју Србије. Уредник циклуса и модератор је др Александар Раковић - историчар, стручни сарадник циклуса је Бранимир Локнер - рок критичар. У овом, првом дијелу трибине слушамо Александра Раковића и др Александра Гајића, научног сарадника Института за европске студије. Поред њих, на трибини су учествовали Феђа Димовић, адвокат, један од оснивача састава Београдски синдикат и Бранимир Локнер, рок критичар које ћемо чути у наредној емисији.

Преузмите аудио датотеку


jeromonah_nikodimJeromonah Nikodim (Bogosavljević): 

Većina ljudi danas naivno misli da se ličnosti i događaji u današnjem svetu pojavljuju i odigravaju sami od sebe. Nažalost, istina je potpuno obrnuta – sve je pod apsolutnom kontrolom i sve se kreira u zato posebno osnovanim istraživačkim institutima. Politika, ekonomija, kultura, sport, sve se projektuje i usmerava ka jednom osnovnom cilju – uništavanju i iskorenjivanju tradicionalnih religija, hrišćanstva na prvom mestu, radi stvaranja jedne svetske religije Novog doba, Doba vodolije sa novim matrejom, učiteljem ili hristom, tj. antihristom.


Монах Никодим (Богосављевић)

Након педесетогодишње немогућности да јавно ради и говори, отварајући своја врата ка свету, наша Црква са њих може видети све муке и јаде који су напали (без пастира, нечувану и небрањену, вуковима и разбојницима препуштену) њену чељад. Она се има данас суочити са, међу младима, широко распрострањеном културом која своје порекло и упориште нема на овим нашим просторима, односно, није изданак православља, већ долази са других страна. У самом средишту те тзв. рок културе, као њена жила куцавица, бије и откуцава рок музика која својом силовитошћу и животном философијом о којој пева и коју собом носи, представља бунт младих Запада против цивилизације својих родитеља, али и повод и прилику за лакомислену безбрижност и забаву. Страна нашој духовности и наслеђу, она је могла да се накалеми на древно стабло наше самобитности тек пошто је насилним путем од незнабожаца оно било лишено вишестолетних грана и кракова. Већ сама чињеница да је ова култура изданак неправославног порекла, унапред упућује на њену немоћ да има нечега доброг у себи, односно, говори о њеним лошим својствима и из тога произлазећој штетности. Ово може најбоље показати поређење рок културе и њене музике са местом и улогом коју музика има у нашој православној баштини.

Miloš Velimir Buca, bubnjar u potrazi za istinom

У емисија која настаје тамо гдје се укрштају Православље и савремена култура говори бубњар београдског бенда Дисциплина кичме, теолог Милош Велимир Буца, управо о том укрштању и како се кроз Православље пројављује тај преображени начин постојања.

Песме изнад Истока и Запада (Songs above East and West)

Pesme iznad istoka i zapada

Compilation album by Various Artists
Released April 15, 2001
Recorded O Studio, Belgrade
December 1999 — June 2000

Pesme iznad istoka i zapada (trans. Songs above East and West) is an album comprising the works of various artists, released in 2001, featuring thirteen songs recorded by Serbian rock musicians based on the poems of Bishop Nikolaj Velimirović (who has beencanonized since the release of the album[1]). The album features (at the time) current and former members of Bezobrazno Zeleno,Bjesovi, Galija, Darkwood Dub, Luna, La Strada, Partibrejkers, Plejboj, Hazari, Sunshine, Električni Orgazam, 357, Qrve, Džukele, Goblini, Night Shift, Ana Stanić's backing band, and other bands. The album also features Goran Trajkovski, member of Macedonian band Anastasia.

The album was edited by hieromonk Jovan Ćulibrk. The album was officially released on Easter, April 15, 2001, through PGP-RTS, in cooperation with Radio Svetigora.

Although the participation of former Idoli members Srđan Šaper and Nebojša Krstić was announced, the two did not participate in the album recording.

Friday 12 July 2013

Двадесет година од упокојења архимандрита Софронија (Сахарова)

11. јула 1993. године, на дан преподобних Сергија и Германа,  валамских чудотвораца, у 97. години окончао се земни живот схиархимандрита Софронија (Сахарова). За многе име о. Софронија постало је познато по књизи ”Старац Силуан”, чији је он аутор. Преподобни Силуан – атонски подвижник нашег века, блажени старац, био је духовни наставник о. Софронија кога је Константинопољска Црква 1988. године прибројала лику светих.

Заиста, “чудесна су дела Твоја Господе”: преподобни Силуан упокојио се 1938. године, 24. септембра (по новом календару, 11. по старом), такође на дан сећања на преподне Сергија и Германа Валамских.

На двадесету годишњицу упокојења преподобног оца Софроније представљамо једну од његових беседа: Пут ка уподобљености Богу

Wednesday 10 July 2013

The Relation Between the Spiritual and the Psychological Realm

By Metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh (+2003)  

The following is a transcript of a lecture, unrevised by the author, given to Finnish Orthodox priests in Kuopio in August 1974.

When speaking of the spiritual and the psychological realm, many people confuse these two regions. When you ask them about their spiritual life, they very often describe their psychological state, as though the whole spiritual life were made of physical and psychological expressions. When we read Holy Scripture, we see two realms clearly defined, from the beginning of the history of mankind: the spirit and body. Between these two there is a realm which is the human psyche, the human soul, which is very much like the twilight between darkness and light. It is the most difficult part of the human person to understand and interpret in terms of the spiritual life. The great difficulty in speaking of the psychological, the spiritual, and the physical realms is that we have a very definite experience of what happens in our body, and in our mind and emotions, but the realm of the spirit is known only to the few. You will remember a passage in St. Paul, saying that the spiritual man understands all things, judges all things, but that no one can judge him. There are short moments when we have a direct experience of the spiritual, but most of the time it is like the light of a lightning in a dark night. We perceive our body and our soul as something normal and habitual. Everything taking place in the realm of the spirit, which is the place where man meets both with God and Satan, has a repercussion in our physical and psychological world.

The Sacrament of Holy Matrimony

Protopresbyter John Meyendorff  

They Became One Flesh

Then the Lord God said, “It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit for him”… and the rib which the Lord God had taken from the man He made into a woman and brought her to the man… Therefore a man leaves his father and his mother and cleaves to his wife, and they become one flesh (Genesis 2:18-24).

Transforming Psychological States into Spiritual Ones

Ancient Faith Radio

Dr. Christopher Veniamin: 

July 08, 2013 

Dr. Christopher Veniamin is Professor of Patristics at St. Tikhon’s Orthodox Theological Seminary and a spiritual son of Elder Sophrony Sakharov, a spiritual giant of the 20th century. He earned his M.A. in Theology from the University of Thessalonica and went on to receive his D.Phil. from Oxford University, under the direction of Metropolitan Kallistos Ware.

Tuesday 9 July 2013

Философија Запада и философија Истока

Радован Биговић, Број 1110

Одабрани одломци из књиге о. Радована Биговића (Од Свечовека до Богочовека: хришћанска философија владике Николаја Велимировића – Владика Николај о философији, науци и теологији )

Философија, као спекулативно и теоријско мишљење, јалова је јер не може да реши ниједно од суштинских питања која муче човека. Првенствено не може да реши проблем смрти.

Friday 5 July 2013

The Sunset Limited

Two men in an apartment with their opposing beliefs in this play by Cormac McCarthey. The black guy, a former convict which believes in God, just saved the white agnostic professor from jumping in front of the express train. He won't let the depressed man leave, without following him, and feel he's in this situation for a reason, decided by God. An intense chamber play about belief or unbelief, and a conversation about what's true and important in life, or not. 

Everything About Youth: The Lost Generation

Fr. Ted speaks at the Biennial Clergy Laity Conference for the Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Canada in Vancouver.

July 02, 2013 Length: 63:27

Tuesday 2 July 2013

The Anti-Humans and the Re-Education Experiment

John Valadez

Between 1944-1945, Communism took over the Christian country of Romania. An experiment of terror was performed on the young generation, on students from the age of eighteen to twenty five. Among those students was a man who is alive today after surviving sixteen years in the anti-human communist prison system. His name is Father George Calciu. After His release from prison, he was exiled to America in 1984. Below follows part of an interview by Nun Nina from this year. (1998)

Chief Rabbi: Atheism has Failed. Only Religion can Defeat the New Barbarians

Jonathan Sacks

I love the remark made by one Oxford don about another: ‘On the surface, he’s profound, but deep down, he’s superficial.’ That sentence has more than once come to mind when reading the new atheists.

Future intellectual historians will look back with wonder at the strange phenomenon of seemingly intelligent secularists in the 21st century believing that if they could show that the first chapters of Genesis are not literally true, that the universe is more than 6,000 years old and there might be other explanations for rainbows than as a sign of God’s covenant after the flood, the whole of humanity’s religious beliefs would come tumbling down like a house of cards and we would be left with a serene world of rational non-believers getting on famously with one another.
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